What purpose does it all serve?

From now on, I will excavate some artifacts regarding English language skills. Here´s the deal: I decided to take matters into my own hands so that my progress can be easily mapped as you go along. By becoming my subscriber, you are bound to get the gist of American expressions scarcely used in schools in this day and age. Mine is the certainty that my production will become your go-to after a long day, taking your knowledge to the next level. Hopefully, your comprehension will start falling into place in due course.

     Artifacts excavation

Artifacts excavation is a part of my language portfolio that includes justification for the selection of artifacts and reflection on each artifact excavated. Bonus materials are found in my BLOG section, I´m also working on my monthly newsletter and a brand new spoken American English e-book called "A Blowup In the Wonk´s Bookcase, Volume I."
For a concrete artifact, click on the underlined link on the right.

Snippets of Speech
Many things dubbed with my beautiful voice🙃:-)
Peruser´s Gems
Books, magazines, materials, articles that might hit the spot
The Echo Chamber
Regular listening to podcasts
The Man of Letters
Chillout stories and essays written by Yours Truly😇